After registration

A childminder coach from Kroostopvang will contact you to make an appointment for an introduction/intake. In our first conversation, we explore your wishes and expectations, we get to know your children, and we make follow-up appointments.

Is a childminder available who matches your wishes, with enough time and space for your child(ren)? Then an introduction follows. 

Once you are registered with Kroostopvang, you will receive a mediation agreement. The mediation agreement describes what you can expect from Kroostopvang; our mutual rights and obligations are described. You can find a more extensive overview of our house rules in the Information Folder for Kroostopvang, for example about holidays, exchanging care days, what to do in case of illness of the childminder or of the children.

Once you agree to a proposed childminder, we will draw up an agreement for you. This is an assignment agreement. In this agreement, the parents and the childminder make agreements about childcare days and times, childcare during (school) holidays, the childminder's reimbursement etc.

Our agreements are based on the model agreements of the Childcare Branch Organization. The Childcare Act requires childcare centres to keep records of parents and childminders. These agreements form the basis for these files.