
Once you are registered with Kroostopvang, you will receive a mediation agreement. This agreement describes what you can expect from Kroostopvang; our mutual rights and obligations are described.

Agreements about care days and times, compensation, holidays and the like are documented in an assignment agreement. This is an agreement between you and the parents of the children.  In the agreement, the parents and the childminder make agreements about childcare days and times, childcare during (school) holidays, about the payment of the childminder etc. The guideline from Kroostopvang for childminder's remuneration is € 5.65 per child per hour.

Our agreements are based on the model agreements of the Childcare Branch Organization. The Childcare Act requires childcare centres to keep records of parents and childminders. These agreements form the basis for these files.

You can find other house rules about taking holiday hours, continued payment in the event of illness and exchanging childcare days in the Information folder for Kroostopvang. This folder can be downloaded in Mijn Kroostopvang.