Nederlands English Polski

Childcare Act

Childcare operates under the Childcare Act. This law regulates the quality and financing of childcare in the Netherlands. 

The law lays down the quality requirements for childcare. The law requires that a safe and healthy living environment be provided for the children. Children's centres and childminder agencies are also required to inform the parents about the policies pursued. The childcare centre, the childminder agency and the childminder are all responsible for the quality of the childcare.

The municipality, in collaboration with the GGD, is responsible for the inspection of the care locations. Inspectors report any shortcomings and advise the municipality on the inclusion of the childcare location in the national childcare register.

Registration in this register is a condition for parents to be able to claim childcare allowance. Childminders at home are registered by Kroostopvang in the National Childcare Register (LRK).

Would you like to know more about what the Childcare Act entails? Take a look here.